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LIM, Jongchul
Oxford University
Research Associate
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SIG-MST (Material Science and Technology)

Material Science and Technology (MST)

Scope: multi-disciplinary research field aimed at bringing together cutting-edge research and commercialization opportunity across academics and industry sector related to materials science, engineering and technology, as well as increasing the impact of other classical disciplines such as physics, chemistry and biology if applicable.
Purpose: 1) invaluable community and expertise hub for all scientists and engineers, in both academia and industry, who work in discovering and developing materials and materials-related applications. 2) aims to be a materials science and engineering community that brings together a broad spectrum of scientists and engineers in Europe. 

How: welcomes researchers in all areas of materials research, where "materials" and those of who interested in "commercialization" include the following as example:

- Organic, inorganic, hybrid and composite materials
- Engineering and structural materials (metals, alloys, ceramics, composites)
- For materials science, physics, chemistry, electronics, energy, optics, photonics and optoelectronics, etc.
- Research on nanoscale processes, computation, modelling, materials theory, surfaces/thin-film engineering, design, synthesis and characterization techniques, etc.
- Material related commercialization


재영과협에서 주관하는 제47회 학술대회가 10월 23일 Cambridge에서 개최될 예정입니다. 에너지 분과와 재료분과 주관으로 Innovative technologies for zero-emission이라는 주제로 학제간 융합 세션을 통하여, 탄소절감, 탄소중립, 저탄소 및 친환경 기술 현황을 공유할 수 있는 장을 마련하고자 하오니 많은 참여 ... Read More...

재영과협 (KSEAUK) 47회 학술대회 융합세션 초록 접수 안내 (2차) |모시는 글 재영과협에서 주관하는 제47회 학술대회가 10월 23일 Cambridge(Moller Institute ... Read More...

한국산업기술평가워, KEIT 화학공정PD님의 요청으로 홍보합니다.하기의 내용으로 보고서 작성 가능 인력을 물색 중이니, 유관분야 전공자 및 전문가분들의 관심 부탁드립니다.주제: NCC 전기가열로 기술 및 주요 기업동향 (미국 및 유럽)기간: 2개월모집인원: ... Read More...